Internships at the University of Haifa

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Internship Programs at the University of Haifa


More Involved and Experienced


The University of Haifa's Internship program aims to give students a taste of what they will be doing in the future, while gaining some relevant experience that will aid them finding work after completing their B.A. The duration of the program is one semester. Students will work 10 – 15 hours per week, and they may have extra reading assailments as well as papers to hand in. An internship awards 3 – 4 academic credit points.


Who can enroll?


Only students with full time academic schedule may enroll to the program (visiting and regular students). Some of the internship options require completing certain classes. Background in Hebrew or Arabic is required for some positions.


In which fields can you gain experience?


Below is a partial list of majors to offer relevant internships. Keep in mind that the options may change each year.


Biology and Environment


Students may take part in research in university and external organizations, concerning plants, sea-life, and animals, or take part in activities aiming to raise "green" awareness.


Among the organizations – Wydra Institute for the Research of Maritime and Aviation Studies and The Green Course.


Women and Gender


In this field you can land a hand in various organizations dealing with different issues – from sheltering abused women to empowerment of immigrant women, from LGBT causes to youth counseling. Several positions require prior knowledge in either Hebrew or Arabic.


Among the Organizations: The Center for Battered Women, Haifa Feminist Center, Kayan Feminist Organization (for Arab women) and Aswat-Palestinian Lesbian Association.




Students may take part in digs and laboratory analysis. In addition, they may intern at a local museum setting exhibits and working at the archive. Hebrew is not necessary.


Among the Institutions: The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, the Department of Archeology and the Department of Maritime Civilizations at the University of Haifa.


Health and Medicine


Students may take part in genetic researches or shadow a local doctor. For the latter, only pre-med student with clinical experience are accepted.


Among the Organizations: Bnei Zion Genetic Clinic (knowledge of spoken Hebrew is required) and Rambam University Hospital.


Education and Welfare


Most of the activities involve working with children and require basic Hebrew; background in work with kids with special needs is preferable. In addition students may work with adults: released prisoners, low-income families, and with adults with mental disabilities.


Among the Organizations: Society for the Education of Deaf Children, Ofakim School for Children with CP, Enosh and Beit Hessed.




Students can be on PR teams of hi-tech companies and see how actual ad campaigns are managed. In addition, students may also intern at the University of Haifa's Marketing Department by taking part in semestrial marketing activities and social media campaigns.


Among the Organizations: Insightec, Syneron and the International School's Marketing Department.

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