Israeli Graduate Programs in Hebrew

How do people get their Master's degree in Israel? What are the main requirements in different kinds of tracks? Here is some information about the structure of graduate studies in Israel.

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Graduate Studies in Israel – Programs in Hebrew
Advanced Knowledge
Many students finish their undergraduate studies with a sense of relief; no more papers or exams. However, others feel that they would like to continue their studies and acquire profound knowledge of their chosen field. Besides, a master's degree always looks good on your CV.
Many universities and colleges in Israel offer advanced degrees in various fields. However, you should know that most colleges offer only non-thesis tracks, especially when it comes to M.A. programs in humanities and social sciences. Candidates who consider a Ph.D. should take that under account when choosing their school.
Top Master Programs
Among the master's tracks offered in Israel (Hebrew programs):
* MBA – Business Management - you can specialize in marketing or finance or take an exclusive CEOs track.
* Medicine or veterinary studies
* A master's in computer science (M.Sc.)
* Social Science studies including M.A. tracks in Psychology, Sociology or Economics
* Science - chemistry, physics, mathematics or biology
* A master's in humanities
* Engineering – electronic and electrical engineering, civil engineering or industrial engineering and management include    specializations in computers, clean technologies, medicine and food production and more.
Type of Programs
Universities and colleges offer thesis and non-thesis programs. A direct PhD track or personalized tracks are also available.
Thesis Tracks
In these tracks the students take a number of master's courses and seminars and in addition work on their personal thesis or project. Each thesis or project requires the guidance of a faculty member that specializes in the area. At the end of the track, students must "defend" their thesis and its final grade is approx. 30% of their master's degree total average. Only students that have high average may take the thesis track. Students that wish to continue to doctorate programs must complete a thesis.
Non-Thesis Tracks
Students of this track will not complete a thesis as part of their studies. The students must complete a given number of courses and seminars as well as take a final exam at the end of their studies. Students may start their studies in non-thesis tracks and choose to transfer to thesis tracks; however, the transfer must be approved by their faculty and is based on the students' average.
A Direct Ph.D. Route
Several universities offer a Ph.D. route that does not depend on completing a master's degree. Usually, only students who completed their undergraduate degrees with an average of 90 or higher are even considered as candidates for such tracks. The students will attend some classes of master's programs but will not have to complete their faculty requirements for master's degree. During their master's studies they will begin to work on their doctorate research.
Only students that have high GPA and shown initiative and originality in prior researches are accepted to such programs. Many times, students of such tracks get scholarships and research funds.
Personalized Route
Personalized routes always include thesis and are "personally customized" for students who wish to research an interdisciplinary field. Students who are in the personalized route will usually attend courses of several faculties or master's programs, in accordance to their field of research.
Most master's programs are designed to be completed in two years. Many of the programs, especially in humanities and social sciences are studied two days a week. However, several programs, especially in science, are full-time tracks. When students are not in class they are expected to work on their projects.
Several institutions offer master's degree program that is completed in one year. The most popular tracks are for M.B.A. and LL.M. in one year. However, the tuition in such programs is exceedingly higher than regular programs and can go as high as NIS 120,000 for the program.
Only students who completed their undergraduate studies or about to do so may apply to master's programs. Admittance is based on the candidates' undergraduate GPA and at times it also includes a personal interview, recommendation letters etc. For most programs the entry level average is 80 (3.0), some programs require a higher average based on their demand. Candidates of the personalized and direct Ph.D. routes must have higher average (95+, 4.0). In case candidates are not native Hebrew speakers and did not complete their academic studies at an Israeli institution, they will have to pass a Hebrew proficiency test (YAEL).
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
Master's programs tuition is usually higher than undergraduate programs. At universities, Israeli master's students pay NIS 14,000 per year, and the sum is higher for foreign residents. One-year programs are far more expensive and cost NIS 40,000 to NIS 120,000. At private colleges, the cost of two-year tracks per year is higher. The tuition fees per year begin at NIS 22,000 and could go as high as NIS 95,000.
All academic institutions offer scholarships based on the students' past academic achievements. In case candidates take a thesis track they can also apply for research grants. 


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