Visiting Exchange Students at Bezalel - Academy of Arts and Design

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Bezalel Exchange Students


Prestigious Art Scene


Bezalel Academy is the oldest and probably the most prestigious art and design school in Israel. It is known for its high standards and innovative spirit. Each year, undergraduate and graduate students from dozens of countries spend a semester or two in Bezalel. Students may select courses in Hebrew or English and attend special workshops by guest lecturers from all around the world. Traditionally, Bezalel holds an exhibition dedicated to the works of visiting students.


The location of the school is also an issue to be considered. It is located in the heart of western Jerusalem in a walking distance or a bus ride from The Old City with its centuries-old buildings and central religious sites, several major museums, some restaurants and bars and other points of interest. Visiting students stay at the Hebrew University dormitories.


Study Program


Architecture, Photography, Ceramics and Fashion are just a few of Bezalel departments. Students may take courses in various fields and are actually encouraged to select classes from different tracks. Hence, students may take classes in photography, industrial design and graphic design during the same semester, regardless of their major. Students may also select additional courses in other areas in either English or Hebrew at The Hebrew University, as well as language classes in Hebrew or in Arabic.


Fields of Studies


Students select classes in the following departments:


Undergraduate Programs:


* Fine Arts
* Architecture
* Industrial Design
* Photography
* Visual Communications
* Screen Based Arts
* Ceramics and Glass Design
* Fashion and Jewelry


Graduate Programs:


* Urban Design
* Industrial Design
* Fine Arts and Photography




The faculty at Bezalel includes: an award winning author and philosopher who was named by Die Zeit as one of the 12 thinkers to "change the thought of tomorrow"; a renowned architect who was a guest lecturer at Harvard University and took part in 2011 activist movement for lowering the cost of housing in Israel; an urban design specialist, a past fellow at Cambridge University; and other interesting and inspiring figures.




Students must submit their academic transcript and a letter of recommendation from their current head of department and a small portfolio. While there is no need to have any background in Hebrew, students who are not native English speakers are required to pass an English proficiency exam.


Credit Points


The Students' home schools recognize the credit points awarded by Bezalel Academy which are included in the students' academic transcript.

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