Courses at the Hebrew University Agriculture Faculty in Rehovot

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

International Training in Agriculture at the Hebrew University
Growing Globally
The Hebrew University's Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment in Rehovot offers various tracks for visiting students and scientists from around the world, including special programs for students from developing countries. 
Most students come from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Students from Western Europe and Northern America also take part in the programs. The aim is to provide students with problem resolution tools and techniques which can suit different climates and environments.
Study Options
The Hebrew University's Faculty of Agriculture offers three main training tracks for international students: Commercial Beekeeping, Aquaculture and a summer program. The duration of all the courses is 25 days. Most of them include social activities and sightseeing tours around Israel. In addition, the university offers to tailor study programs to the needs of interested groups who want to come and learn.
Commercial Beekeeping
In this course students learn how to increase honey production and quality and how to adapt and implement strategies and changes in order to overcome problematic aspects regarding beekeeping in their environment.
The program focuses on growing fish in ponds. Students acquire theoretical background regarding fish genetics, immune systems and other subjects, as well as practice new technologies that are used in aquaculture centers in Israel.
Summer Program
The summer program is held in July, during which students attend two classes: Principles of Plant Breeding and Genetic Engineering.
Tailored programs
Over the years, the faculty hosted dozens of international groups that benefited from specially tailored programs that best fitted their needs in terms of academic content, practical experience and duration. Such programs are only open for groups.
Application Requirements
All applicants must complete their B.Sc. undergraduate studies in fields like: biology, agriculture studies, animal sciences etc. The summer programs are also open for B.Sc. students in their final year. Those who are not native English speakers must score 89 at least on the TOEFL internet exam or its equivalent.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Mashav program offers full scholarships that cover the tuition, traveling fees and housing costs for international students. Although students from all over the world attend the programs, mostly, only applicants from developing countries receive these scholarships, and they do so by contacting the Israeli officials in their countries (ambassadors, consulates etc.). In the summer program, only students from India and China may apply for Mashav scholarships.

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