Master's in Social Work - Crisis and Trauma Studies at Tel Aviv University

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

The International Program in Crisis and Trauma – M.A. in Social Work at Tel Aviv University


Help, I Need Somebody


Social workers have huge responsibility in helping victims of personal or national disasters. With this in mind, it is important to note that the services and aid these practitioners provide have to be adjusted to the cultural background of their victims and their individual circumstances. The International Program in Crisis and Trauma of Tel Aviv University aims to do just that – provide social workers with sufficient skills to communicate with and understand people better, and to offer the best help there is.


Study Program


TAU's International Program in Crisis and trauma includes both theoretical and practical classes. Much emphasis is given to the way that social workers' services vary in different cultural contexts. As part of the M.A. studies the participants visit different centers in Israel in order to see ways that personal and communal traumas are dealt with in various surroundings and contexts, such as Jewish ultra-orthodox, Arabic or secular Jewish communities. Students will discover new ways of helping terror victims, immigrants, Holocaust survivors and domestic violence victims as well as other groups.


Studies Structure


The entire program is in English. Its duration is 10 month (three consecutive semesters). In case students choose to write a thesis they have to continue their studies for an additional semester at least.




* Group Intervention
* Coping with Continued Exposure to Disasters
* Therapist Trauma Assessment
* Psychological Aspects of Traumatic Events
* Stresses of Immigration
* Positive Psychology
* Aiding Domestic Violence Victims
* Dealing with Illness
* Basic and Advanced Skills in Dealing with Stressful and Traumatic Situations

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Most professors in this unique program have extensive practical experience in addition to their academic prestige. The faculty at Tel Aviv University includes: international experts on domestic and sexual violence; a terror trauma expert who worked with both Israeli and Palestinian organizations; a director of Women's Spirit (NGO empowering women victims of violence); a founder and CEO of an NPO aiding Youth at Risk; a member of the Rehabilitation International Social Commission; and more.




Candidates need to have an undergraduate degree with a GPA of 3.0 (80). Additionally, they will have to submit two letters of recommendation, a personal essay and an updated resume. Non-native English speakers must pass an English proficiency test such as IELTS or TOEFL.


Academic Diploma


Graduates receive an M.A. in Social Services with a specialty in Crisis and Trauma from Tel Aviv University.


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