The Start-Up MBA Program at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

The Start-UP MBA Program at the Technion


It's time to jumpstart (up) your career in Israel


In January 2014 Bloomberg named Israel as the best country in the world in terms of R&D Intensity. The top place is not a surprise as since the 1990's Israel has become a leading force of start-up and entrepreneurship. New software and technologies are developed in Israel all the time in various areas – software and hardware, bio-med and bio-tech, agriculture or food. For this reason, Israel became a preferable place among business students who wish to have insight into Israeli and international start-ups.


Read about - International MBA Programs in Israel


Study Program


The Technion's Start-Up MBA program includes core and advanced courses in finance, management, investments etc. The track is unique as it intertwines in class learning with a dozen study trips to various locations in Israel, in which students will visit major cultural and historical sites as well as Israeli and international companies. Students may attend consultant courses in which they are supposed to work in groups on their very own start up ideas. Moreover, all students must intern in an Israeli company while studying. A list of available positions is published every year.


Studies Structure


This Master's program is designed to be completed in one year, all courses are in English. During their studies, students may choose to take classes in Hebrew or Arabic.




* Negotiation Management
* Market Analysis
* Corporate Evaluation
* Entrepreneurship
* Organizational Change
* Information Systems
* Finance
* New Product Development
* Intellectual Property
* Consumer Behavior
* Cooperation Strategy
* Technology Management
* Business Development
* Competitive Strategy




The faculty at the Technion includes: the former Chief Accountant of the Israeli Government and CFO of "Clal Finance"; an award-winning researcher of organizational psychology who is on the editorial board of the Management Journal; a Wharton School fellow who specializes in technological innovation; a law professor who specializes in patents and intellectual rights; the co- founder of nine start-ups that registered 90 patents; and others.




Applicants must complete their undergraduate degree with a GPA of 3.0 (80) or above and have at least two years of professional working experience. GMAT scores must also be submitted. Candidates who already completed their graduate degree are exempt of GMAT. Only candidates who finished at the top 30% of their undergraduate class are considered. Non native English speakers must pass an English proficiency exam.


Academic Diploma


Graduates receive an MBA from the Technion with a specialization in Start Ups.

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