International Masters in Conflict resolution at Tel Aviv University

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

M.A. in Conflict Resolution and Mediation at Tel Aviv University


Tel-Aviv University offers an international program in conflict resolution and mediation. This track is designed to provide its students with practical tools and negotiation strategies in the international area.


Israel has known various conflicts through the years, from security threats to internal strife. As a result there are many Israeli experts and researchers that specialize in the field of mediation and conflict resolution. Mediation is an important tool not only in the political arena, but also in fields such as business firms and humanitarian organizations. this master's track can expose students to the vast Israeli body of knowledge in this field.
Study program 
This interdisciplinary program allows students to discuss a wide variety of conflict resolution techniques. They view several fields and aspects of mediation, such as political science, international law, negotiations and anthropology. In addition, they analyze contemporary aspects of conflict resolution in Israel and the Middle East.


- Read more about graduate programs in Israel taught in English


Duration and structure


This program spans around 10 months (divided into three semesters). The track is taught in English. Students that are interested in writing a thesis may do so after completing their MA duties.
The program includes theoretical courses and electives, seminars, workshops and Hebrew language courses. It also offers opportunities for internships.



- Leadership and conflict.
- Israeli society and politics.
- Political approaches to conflict.
- Dispute resolution and international law.
- Cultural approaches to conflict resolution.
- Social psychology and conflict management.
- Environment and cooperation in the Middle East.
- And more.


Admission requirements


This program is open to students from various professional and academic backgrounds. The University accepts candidates from a variety of academic backgrounds, such as cultural studies, history studies, Law studies, sociology studies, economics studies or business studies.


Application requirements are as follows:

- Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 3.0 (80/100).
- Candidates with a cumulative GPA of 2.5-2.9 (75-79) may be considered, they require permission of the faculty academic committee. Preference is given to applicants with several years of relevant professional or academic experience.
- Diploma transcripts and official English translations.
- English proficiency exams for non-native English speakers.
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Personal essay describing the reasons for pursuing this program in Israel and it’s contribution to professional goals.
- Resume (CV).


- Are you interested in politics? read about MA in political science in Israel

- You may also be interested in MA in Middle Eastern studies

An International M.A. in Conflict Resolution and Mediation is given to students that successfully complete this program. They are also presented with a certificate issued by the Tel-Aviv University after completing the international mediation workshop.
career opportunities
Alumni from this program may take a variety of career paths in many sectors, such as government organizations, human rights activity, politics, think - tanks and for profit organizations such as banks and consulting firms.


Read more about: אוניברסיטת תל אביב

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