Communications Studies in Israel for a Bachelor's Degree

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.


International Undergraduate Programs in Communications in Israel
Creative in the Sun
Getting some sun, lying even on the urban beaches of Tel Aviv, Haifa or Herzliya, or gazing at the breathtaking sunrise of the Dead Sea, will surely inspire you and help your creativity. New ideas will come to your mind – a new social network in the Internet, a brilliant political slogan. But hey, wake up! Your essay is due in two days!
An undergraduate program in Communications could be your starting point to a successful career in diplomacy or politics, PR or marketing. The world around us is full of advertisements, media and news reports. You could be the one designing the message everybody receive or spreading the word using your pen or a camera.
Study Program
All international Communications tracks are studied entirely in English and include theoretical courses regarding mass media, digital media, journalism and more. You will acquire professional tools to analyze media texts and to influence other people. Moreover, the Communications tracks also include practical experience, so you can see for yourself what is it like to produce a news segment or to create an advertising campaign. Students are also provided with internship opportunities, practical workshops etc.
Most of the time, international undergraduate programs in Israel are designed to be completed in three years.
Among the courses:
* Mass Communication
* Mass Media in Israel
* Journalism Writing
* Media Law and Ethics
* Public Relations
* Political Communications
* Trends in Global Television
* Social and Cultural History of the Internet
Since the program is entirely in English, students who did not complete their high school studies in an English speaking country will be required to take an English proficiency test, such as TOEFL.
Candidates must submit their high school diploma and SAT scores. Although the requirements differ each year, the candidates' GPA should not be under 3.0, and their SAT scores have to be above 1100. Some programs also require submitting an essay and recommendation letters.
Tuition Fees
At universities the tuition fees per year are approx. $7,500 (NIS 26,000). At private colleges the tuition fees are higher, approx. $11,000 (NIS 36,000) per year.
Academic Institutions
Tel Aviv University – TAU offers a major in digital culture and communications as part of their liberal studies undergraduate program. The track focuses on the ways in which the internet and cyber-culture changed the world. The program is mostly theoretical and presents the students with the social, historical, cultural and philosophical aspects of the cyber world.
Bar Ilan University (Ramat Gan) – the program focuses mainly on public relations, marketing and public diplomacy. Bar Ilan University takes pride in its state of the art radio and TV studios and it offers the students many opportunities to gain practical experience in its own studios as well as in internships and workshops at other media centers and companies.
IDC Herzliya – the program focuses on new media, journalism and marketing. The track offers three areas of specialization: visual content (mainly concerns television); digital media (focuses on contents for computers, internet and mobile phones and devices); and persuasive communications (focuses on publishing and marketing).



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