Bachelor of Social Science in Israel

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Social Sciences Studies in Israel
Social Sphere in Jewish Homeland
Social Sciences are a massive field and you can select your own areas of interest and expertise. Israeli academic institutions offer various tracks, entirely in English. You can attend the best faculties in Israel and choose the track that interests you the most.
Top B.A. Programs
Some of the most popular B.A. tracks for international students in this field are:
During your psychology B.A. studies you will learn about all the major approaches and aspects of the discipline - clinical, social, cognitive etc. You can choose an all-psychology program or select a track that includes also other fields in social sciences, such as Criminology, Sociology, Anthropology, Commercial Studies and more.
Business Administration
In business B.A. programs you will study the basics of economics, management and other related areas. You can choose to specialize in marketing or finance. Several programs offer internships at Israeli companies; that way students can get a taste of the Israeli business world.
During communication studies for B.A. you will learn about the ways mass media changes and shapes our culture. If you consider a career in PR, marketing, journalism or diplomacy – you can benefit from these programs. During their studies, students may participate in practical workshops or internships to acquire some hands-on experience.
Government and Political Sciences
Along B.A. programs in government and politics you will learn the theoretical fundamentals of political thought, get to know the structure of Israeli authorities and understand ongoing public disputes in Israel. These programs include courses regarding conflict resolution, diplomacy and strategy and homeland security.
Other Programs
In addition to the programs mentioned, Israeli universities also offer several non-degree tracks in Social Sciences for English speakers. You can get to a semestrial honors program in psychology or incorporate theoretical studies in economics with an internship at an Israeli hi-tech company. The programs are open for students who completed their first two years of studies at foreign universities. Admission is based on the students' current GPA.
Generally, B.A. programs in Social Sciences are designed to be completed in three years.
Applicants are requested to submit their high school diploma and SAT scores. Naturally, the requirements differ at every program. However, the GPA should be at least 3.0 and the SAT scores should be above 1100. At any case applicants with SAT scores of less than 900 will not be accepted. For the Psychology program, students must also present two recommendation letters.
Tuition Fees
The yearly tuition fees at universities are approx. $7,500 (NIS 26,000). At private colleges the fees are approx. $11,000 per year.
Academic Institutions
Tel Aviv University – offers B.A. tracks in Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Culture and in Digital Culture and Communications. Both tracks include social sciences and humanities studies.
Bar Ilan University (Ramat Gan) – offers undergraduate programs in Communications, Micro Social Sciences – Criminology, Psychology and Sociology and Macro Social Science – Economics, Sociology and Political Science.
IDC Herzliya – the private college offers programs in Psychology, Business Administration (there is also a track for a double major in Business and Law), Government and Communications.
University of Haifa – offers several non-degree programs in social sciences. Students can select semestrial or yearly programs in Psychology, Business or Peace and Conflict Studies. The programs also include field trips to major sites in Israel and practical experience or internships in your chosen track
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Forum: Studying In Israel