International Linguistics B.A. Program at Ben Gurion University

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B.A. in Linguistics at Ben-Gurion University

How do you communicate?

Language is such a fundamental part of everyday life that most people simply take it for granted without ever thinking about it. However, other people are fascinated by the way kids and adults acquire new languages, the way the meaning of words change over time, the reasons that people who speak the same languages pronounce the words differently and the way the brain works every time human beings speak. These people are called linguistics. If you wish to find out more about this essential part of our world you should consider studying linguistics.

The Linguistics Program at BGU

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev offers a B.A. track in linguistics, taught entirely in English. However, the focus of the studies is not the English language, but any language. Students of BGU study courses in phonemes, language acquisition, semantics and behavioral sciences in order to get a full picture of the way the mind works. The learning process is assisted by computer labs and groundbreaking research technologies.

Learn also about - Psychology B.A. Tracks in Israel


Studies Structure

This International B.A. is a 3-year track that can be studied as either a single or a double major. Many of the students choose to take the program as a double major with Psychology or Computer Science; however, the only other undergraduate track taught entirely in English, is Foreign Literatures. During their studies, especially in their third year, students are provided with opportunities to take part in theoretical and practical researches.


The subjects studied include:

* Articulatory Phonetics
* Sound and Meaning
* Cognitive Neuroscience
* Verbal Lexical Representations
* Animal Communication
* Language Processing
* Global and Parametric Syntax
* Possession Syntactic Representation
* Agreement and Dispute Patterns
* Natural Language
* Structure of DPs
* Extended Projection Principle
* First and Second Language Acquisition
* Logic and Meaning
* Conditional Sentences
* Modifiers


Many Staff members completed their PhD in the US. Among them you will meet: an expert on phonology and editor of the journal "Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics"; MIT graduate whose books were published by Oxford and Cambridge universities; a leading neuroscientist who is a past fellow at Johns Hopkins; and other inspiring figures.


Candidates must submit their high school transcript and SAT (or other standardized test) scores. The GPA has to be 75 (B-) or above. Students who are not native English speakers must pass an English proficiency test such as IELTS or AMIR.

Academic Diploma

Graduates of the undergraduate track will receive a B.A. in Linguistics from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.


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