International PhD Program in Mathematics at Tel Aviv University

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International program for Ph.D. students in Mathematics at Tel-Aviv University

Diving into the world of numbers

At Tel-Aviv University's school of mathematical sciences, students can take part in a PhD track in mathematics, this program is designed especially for international students from around the globe and it is taught entirely in English. The school plays a key part in research in the different fields of mathematics and it has become a center for advanced research where researchers from many countries can delve into advanced and fascinating topics. PhD students in this track can join a vast and international scientific community.

Study program

As part of the Ph.D. program in the department of mathematics, students can research a wide variety of topics in mathematics, operations research and statistics. They conduct independent research and look into different topics that can contribute to the advancement of the mathematical knowledge today. There are several units that operate within the university; these include the department of pure mathematics, the department of applied mathematics and the department of statistics.

Structure and duration

The PhD program is designed to be completed in up to five years. Students must fulfil their mandatory courses and seminars in one year. By the end of the second year they are required to submit a research proposal, after which they proceed to report their progress to their advisor.

The main focus in this program is the independent research under guidance of a faculty member. The students also take part in several theoretical courses and in seminars. The department also holds conferences and colloquium lectures. Through this variety they can create fascinating connections in their field of work and engage in collaborations with other researchers.


Read all about Postdoc positions and fellowships in Isreal


Research fields

Among the wide variety of research topics in the department of mathematics are the following:

Functional analysis
Operator theory
Number theory
Topology and Morse theory
Group representations
Arithmetic of fields
Geometric analysis
Singularity theory
Mathematical economics and game theory

Admission requirements

This track is open to students that hold a master's degree in mathematics or a master's in statistics from an accredited academic institution. Candidates must hand in their college or university transcripts, their thesis information, their resume and three letters of recommendation from professional or academic sources. In addition, they are required to hand in a statement of purpose and a personal history statement. The candidates' GRE scores (general and math subjects tests) must be from the last five years.


Read more about M.Sc. tracks in science for international students

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