International Literature B.A. Program at Ben Gurion University

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B.A. in Foreign Literatures at Ben Gurion University


From Homer to Joan Baez


Ben Gurion University's Foreign Literature department takes pride in its special approach to the subject. Literary works (poetry, drama or prose) are read from an interdisciplinary framework – literary theories together with concepts derived from other fields – philosophy, sociology, cognitive sciences etc.

Study Program


The foreign Literatures track at BGU focuses mainly on English and American literature. All students in this undergraduate program must attend several introductory courses that survey canonized works and review them from different critical points of view. Classical texts of writers such as Shakespeare, Dickenson, Chaucer, Shelly and Sophocles will be discussed in the mandatory courses.


In addition, students are offered elective courses in various topics among them: children's literature, sci-fi and postwar British literature. Other elective courses focus on texts written in other languages such as Italian and Hebrew. In classes that focus on texts that were written in any language other than English, students receive translated texts.


Several courses encourage the students to write their papers about works of literature that are not studied in class, thus the students can choose to focus on just about any text they like.


Studies Structure


The program is entirely in English and even in cases courses focus on texts written in other languages, the lessons, exams and papers are in English. The track is designed to be completed in three years. Students may study the program as a single or double major. In case of the latter students may select the complimentary major from several humanities programs and social sciences departments, but the only other undergraduate program taught in English is linguistics.



The track's courses may include:


* Shakespearean Drama
* Italian Literature
* Holocaust Memory in Literature
* 19th Century American Novel
* Children's Literature
* Protest Poetry
* Autobiographies
* African Literature
* Zionist Literature


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The faculty includes: an expert on Jewish American literature; a leading researcher of religious poetry; a Stanford graduate who specializes in Native American Literature; an Oxford graduate whose work focus on Post-Colonial literature; and other impressive researchers and lecturers.



Applicants must submit their SAT scores and high school transcripts. Their GPA has to be at least 75 (b-). Candidates who did not complete their high school studies at an English speaking country must pass an English proficiency test such as AMIR or IELTS.


Academic Diploma


Graduates of the program receive a B.A. in Foreign Literatures from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.


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