B.Sc. Computer Science at Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

B.Sc. in Computer Science at Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)

International students who wish to develop the required skillset for a sought-after career in the high-tech industry can take part in the B.Sc. undergraduate in computer science at Reichman University. During their studies they will learn analytical foundations in mathematics and develop a deep understanding of computer science theory as well as practical skills in software development.

After completing their studies in the computer science B.Sc. program, students can develop careers in a variety of positions in high-tech companies. Many students receive job offers during their last year of studies. The massive growth in the high-tech sector creates an ever-growing need for skilled graduates, which can assist students in opening opportunities in both the local and global market.


Read more about international undergraduate degrees


Study Program

Students gain a through understanding of computer science theory and develop practical coding and development skills. The program also includes courses in high-tech entrepreneurship and complementing areas of study such as business, finance, and marketing.

This is a dynamic program, study topics are in adaption to changes and developments in the global high-tech industry, each year new electives are introduced to prepare students for relevant tools needed in the industry.


Structure and Duration

This program is based on 6 semesters, students can earn an internationally recognized B.Sc. degree in 3 years. Courses are conducted in English. They include core courses, electives and courses in marketing, finance and high-tech entrepreneurship.



Some of the courses included in this program include:

Data structure
Machine learning
Probability theory
Operating systems
Computer networks
Advanced programming



Faculty includes experienced researchers in many fields of computer science. Some of the faculty’s areas of interest include computer networks, cryptography, computational biology, computer vision, data structures and more.



Admission requirements include the following:

- High school transcript and diploma
- Two letters of recommendation regarding personal academic abilities and strengths
- CV (resume)
- Personal essay
- In some cases, standardized test results are also required.



Upon completing their studies, students receive a B.Sc. undergraduate degree in computer science.


About the International School

The Rafael Recanati International School at Reichman University (IDC Herzliya) is Israel’s largest international school today. More than 2,000 students from 90 countries study in different undergraduate and graduate tracks conducted in English. a third of all students at the university today are internationals, the campus is characterized by a pluralistic environment and networking is encouraged.

The school was established in order to allow international and Israeli students to study together in a wide range of academic programs. The school offers nine undergraduate tracks, most of the BA programs are taught completely in English.

Other international undergraduate study tracks available include business administration, communications, government and psychology, Students can also take part in double degrees such as computer science and entrepreneurship, business and entrepreneurship or government and sustainability.



Read more about: Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)

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