Masters in Development Practice at The Hebrew University

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Masters in Development Practice - MDP at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Turning disadvantages into advantages


Throughout the years, Israeli professionals had to overcome many challenges in order to gain economic growth. Israel is a country known for its climate adversity as well as security issues and continuous development, both rural and urban. A great part of Israel's success is owed to its sense of innovation that allowed it to make the step from an emerging economy to a developed and flourishing economy.


The Hebrew University in Jerusalem offers a Master in Development Practice that allows students to gain interdisciplinary hands - on experience and knowledge in one of today's most needed topics in the environmental and economic fields. This program takes place at the International school of agricultural sciences, as well as the Jerusalem institute's Milken innovation center - a training hub for global innovation practices in sustainability.


Study program


Students in this international master's program learn about market based and project driven strategy development methods. The gain many skills in entrepreneurship, business and agro environmental fields and discuss methods for bridging economic and technological gaps that can limit economic growth. In addition, they look into aspects in biodiversity, food security, water quality improvement and environmental finance.


Students can choose between two study tracks:


RDE - Resource and development economics - this track is suitable for undergraduates in economics, business and accounting.


AED - Agro environmental development - a track suitable for applicants with undergraduate degrees in natural and life sciences and agricultural science.

Study structure


This is a two year program. It is studied in English and designed especially for international students.


The program combines theoretical studies with practical field work, both in Israel and in the students' home countries. They engage in an internship with public, governmental and private NGOs that focus on sustainability and take part in different entrepreneurship programs.




Sustainable development practice*
Food security and food systems*
Financial innovation in sustainable economic development*
Economics of development and growth*
Economics of natural resources*
Environmental economics*
Changes in agricultural systems in Israel and the OECD*
Improvement of water quality*


Admission requirements


In order to apply, applicants must have an undergraduate degree with a GPA of at least 80 (B). The requirements vary according to the chosen study track.


Applying for the RDE track is possible for undergraduates in economics, and also in business administration and accounting degrees that contain courses in consumer theory, firm theory and welfare theory. Undergraduates in life sciences, natural sciences, statistics and computer science can apply with a sufficient background in macroeconomics, statistics and data processing and calculus.


Candidates that wish to apply to the AED track must have a degree in agriculture, life sciences or natural sciences with an introductory course in microeconomics. Undergraduates in economics, business administration and accounting can apply when they have completed courses in ecology, chemistry and biology.


In addition, candidates must show a high proficiency level in English - at least 7.0 in the IELTS exam or 89 and above in the TOEFL exam. All applicants must pass an online interview. Previous experience can be an advantage but is not mandatory.


Read more about Masters in Environmantal Studies

You can also read about Masters in Agriculture in Israel


Diploma and career options


Graduates in this program receive a Master's degree - Master in Development Practice (MDP) granted by the Hebrew University. The program opens doors to various career paths, and the graduates can use the knowledge gained in their studies to develop market based and project driven strategies and business ventures, as well as develop plans and projects in the economic field or in the agro - environmental industry. There is currently a great need for professionals in these fields worldwide.

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